Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cheers to the summer!

Oh, hello! Didn't see you there.

While it may seem like it's been a little slow in the kitchen, in sooth it has been anything but. Since I last posted, school and all entailed have consumed my life... but I am free, free, free for the summer! Home with the fam, I've made them a two week deal: I will cook every meal (and shop for most of it) on the condition that we have no take out or fast food whatsoever in that period. We're halfway through; I've been busy in the kitchen, but we've had some good eats.

This post, however, is a first for Whisk & Pestle. This post is about drinks. (Salute, Kim!) Here are three simple drinks that have aided me through the post-semester recovery period. Cheers to summer!

*when these say ounce, what it means is shot glass... use the same shot glass to measure, and it's all in proportion!
**I'm super picky about margaritas, so this first recipe is a doozy... 

[WHENVER] Classic Margarita: for hot, sunny, lazy afternoons

  • 1 oz silver tequila
  • 1/2 oz Triple Sec
  • 1 oz fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1 oz simple syrup 
  • lime wedge to garnish
  • pinch of salt (normal sea salt is fine)
So this is my go-to summer drink, because it's light and delicious and conducive to mid-afternoon naps. (All day drinkings bets are off come summer time, ya dig?) The keys to this staple are silver tequila and fresh fruit. No lime juice from concentrate. No Margaritaville Mix. So help me, no Jose Cuervo Especial Gold. Get yourself a lemon, a lime, and some bliss in a bottle, straight out of Mexico. 

If you don't have a little juicy kerbob (it has been brought to my attention that it's called a citrus juicer), have no fear. All you need is a fork. Microwave your lemon (not your lime, I don't think it likes being molecularly  altered. Citrus fruits have different personalities, what can you do?) for 20 seconds, cut in half, and stab it with a fork. Squeeze into a bowl or what have you, wriggling the fork about to get all the little juicies (the droplets of juice that live in your fruit, obvs); you may have to pick the seeds out. It's worth it. Skipping the microwave, cut and juice your lime. Hold on to any extra juice for round two. Just a suggestion.

In a cocktail shaker or right in a glass, I don't know your life, toss a couple cubes of ice and measure out your booze. In fact, just throw all your liquids in. Give it a shake or a stir, pour over ice if you haven't already, and get ready for the fun part. Sprinkle the lime wedge with salt, squeeze over drink, and stick on rim for added fancy. Now comes the fun part: grab some shades, go outside, and enjoy. 

[DAY] Just For Fun Iced Coffee: when you actually have work to do, and you know it ain't happening

  • 1/2 cup coffee, room temperature 
  • 1 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1 oz creme de cacao 
  • 1 oz simple syrup
  • splash of cream 
This one's fun, refreshing, and just a little cheeky. Fill a glass with ice, then pour in this order: boozey-booze, coffee, simple syrup, then cream. It looks absolutely beautiful as the cream swirls in. Give it a stir, think about getting work done, toss back your head, laugh heartily, and enjoy. 

[NIGHT] This Is Not A Mudslide (but it kind of looks like one): for warm nights with fairy lights, sitting in the yard

  • 2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1 oz creme de cacao
  • 2 oz chocolate syrup
  • 1/4 cup milk 
  • 6 ice cubes (no less, no mas)
Toss in blender, blend on high, pour in glass, go to town. I think I'll help myself to one now. Cheers, everyone! Happy June!

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