Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RECIPE: Bread Pudding & Chocolate Tea

Today is a dreary day, more fit for autumn than August. Today is a day to stay inside, watch black and white horror films, and get the ovens going for something delicious and comforting. Today is a day of cold feet. Today reminds me of Krakow, where we never saw the sky for all the thick clouds waiting to drop snow on our frozen little skulls. One night, one exceptionally cold and windy night, when we were lost in the city, we grouped together in the center square by the market hall and the Marian basilica. Above us from the belltowers a trumpeter sounded evening, and we were freezing, waiting for our hosts to find us.

We waited for about an hour, afraid to go inside in case they didn't find us at all.

This bleak story has a happier, warmer ending: when our hosts did find us, they brought us to a small artisanal chocolate factory with a cafe upstairs, where I drank an entire pot of tea prepared with fresh mint leaves, melting chocolate, and exceptionally rich cream. It was fortifying, a whole day's meal in one pot, and it warmed me straight through my insides to my fingertips. Today is a day vaguely like that.

Or else today is beautiful, wherever you are, but maybe you can tuck these recipes away for a wintry day when you might need them.


  • Bread Cubes, about 2/3 loaf of Italian bread, or 6-8 slices pre-sliced bread ***STALE PREFERABLE***
  • 2cups Milk
  • 1/2cup Sugar
  • 1/4cup Butter
  • 1/4cup Raisins
  • 1/4cup Dried Cranberry
  • 1/4cup Chocolate Chips
  • 1tsp Cinnamon
  • 1tsp Nutmeg
  • 2 eggs

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Tear up your bread. You don't want small pieces, like croutons, or else you'll have a soggy mess. This bread will act like a buttery, delectable sponge, so give it some substance and size. Lay it out in an 8x8" baking dish; you should have enough bread so that it lays in one flat layer, but when you shake the pan nothing is shuffled loose. I used a day-old loaf of Italian bread, because it was on hand, and its heartiness serves this autumnal recipe. Set your bread to the side.

In a medium-sized saucepan heat your milk and butter on medium flame. Stir continually until butter is melted and milk is hot, but don't allow to sit, stick, or bubble. Try the baby test: stick your finger in, or let a drop on your wrist, and if it's too hot for baby, it's perfect. Set that to the side also.

Now summon a large mixing bowl; whisk your sugar, eggs, cinnamon and nutmeg. Toss your bread, chocolate chips, raisins, and cranberries in until sticky and evenly coated. Next pour your milk and butter over the bread and stir; keep stirring until the bread has soaked up most of the mixture. Be gentle; you don't want to break down your bread cubes to pulp.

Lay out in your baking pan (ungreased). Bake forty-five minutes until golden and spongey. Serve warm. (With whipped cream. Or vanilla ice cream. Or another helping.)


  • 1 Teabag Black Tea (Earl Grey, preferably)
  • 1 Teabag Mint Tea
  • 3tbls Cocoa Powder
  • 2tbls Milk, Cream, or Half & Half
  • 1 1/2tbls Sugar
  • Hot Water 

Set your kettle on. At the base of your mug mix your pigments: that is, combine cream, baking cocoa, and sugar and stir. Microwave (yes, microwave) for 30 seconds on HIGH; mix again for a smoother gloop. This will allow the tea to mix smoothly, without cocoa-y clumps. Rest your tea bags in your mug as artfully as you like.

When your kettle calls (or your water bubbles, before boiling) pour over your chocolate mixture and tea bags, then stir. Let steep for 2-3 minutes, then toss those teabags, curl up, and enjoy.


  1. It is cold & rainy over here in NY too and this chocolate tea is just what I'm looking for. It is preparing on the stove as I type! :')

  2. That's exactly what I like to hear. Maybe it's time to break out ROMAN HOLIDAY too. (: Enjoy, Kimothy!
